Roel Velema:
Predestination and Election
Hoekendijk_De School des Gebeds
Een van de beste boeken over het gebed. De schrijver is Ds. C.J. (‘Kees’) Hoekendijk.
Het boek is uitgegeven in 1932. De ouderwetse taal is gehandhaafd. De voorbeelden zijn vaak gedateerd, maar boodschao van de 59 hoofdstukken zijn tijdloos.
Hoekendijk_Wandelen op Gods Bergen
Een prachtige uitleg van Ds. C.J. Hoekendijk over Psalm 87.
Thompson_Master Secrets of Prayer
Desmond Ford:
Desmond Ford (1929-2019) was an Australian Bible teacher. In this two-part message called ‘Change-Information Era-Violence’, delivered at the end of the 20th century, dr. Ford describes what the 21th century will be. He states that four questions will arise (and most have given up to ask), questions which turn out to be so true these messy days:
1) Who am I?
2) Why am I here?
3) Where am I going?
4) How to get there?
Personally, through the years, I listened to these audio’s time after time!
Henry Clay Mabie

From Romance to Reality (Autobiography) [Internet Archive]
From Romance to Reality [Amazon]
Short Sketch Life of Henry Mabie
Henry Mabie As Denominational Leader (Stemple)
Trilogy on the Cross:
The Meaning and Message of the Cross
The Divine Reason of the Cross
How Does the Death of Christ Save Us?
“This is an age of ‘quick returns’, easy gains, least trouble, everything with as little effort and cost as possible. Depth is a lost stamina. Stamina is a minus quality. Who today would take the pains to read such classics on the Cross as Dr. Mabie’s The Divine Reason of the Cross and The Meaning and Message of the Cross? The super artificiality is coasting the Church and the Church and Christians very dearly, and so there is artificially life, artificial food, artificial fellowship, which will not go through in the time of testing” (T. Austin-Sparks).
Method in Soul-Winning
Under the Redeeming Aegis
Romanism in Four Chapters